
RomRod - Portable Rod Mobility Fitness Device

Created by Shane Alan

Improve your Flexibility, Joint Mobility, and Barbell Lifting Technique with this amazing Portable Rod Mobility Fitness Device.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Some Good News from the RomRod Squad
about 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 02:40:18 PM

Hello Everyone,

First, we would like to thank y'all again for your patience. We are as frustrated as you are, that we have missed our target delivery date. But, there is good news in the pipeline (pun intended). 

Here are the latest updates with the RomRod.


A portion of our shipment has arrived in the U.S. In all transparency, there was a communication mishap with the production facility on mode of freight. So, we do not have the entire order. The rest of the order is on a ship, that left the production facility over three weeks ago. Therefore, the remaining units of the 1,000 unit production order are not far behind. 


We have done our own QC on the units we have received and wow, they look, feel, and fuction just how we dreamed. You have to trust us, there are not many greater joys in this world than to see a hypothetical device that you once sketched on paper napkin, become a reality. And, we can't wait to get them in your hands. 


Survey was on hold while we were getting more details on the shipment. We wanted to be able to send off another update prior to the surveys coming out. Because, what good does a survey do if we don't have units to send off. But we are happy to say now, that we can and will be sending off the survey by the end of the week and the RomRod shipments will begin shortly after that.

Please see the images below of Haley and I personally going through and checking over each every one of the units we have received before we send them off to our supporters.

Thanks again for your continued support and patience,

Shane and Haley

RomRod Shipping and Accessory Update
about 3 years ago – Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 10:48:59 AM

Hey everyone, We have some great updates for y'all.


First, Thank You for your patience. As you know, things don't always go as smooth as you project or hope for. Covid 19 caused a log jam at the outgoing port and we missed our initial shipment date. After some pivoting we finally got the 1,000 unit production order shipped from our manufacturing facility. Logisitics during Covid has really been challenging, but we are excited to announce that they are on their way to us.


The quality of these RomRod's are even better than we expected. We know you will love the amazing finish, strong magnets, laser etched RomRod logo, and strong robust knurling . These things are really smooth! See the images below, received from the factory.


Because of the uncertainty with the shipping date of the production order from our manufacturing facility, we have not yet sent out the survey. We are hoping to have more information on the estimated time of arrival by early next week. Then, we will send out the customer survey's to get backer addresses so we can begin the process of setting up supporters pledge reward. An update will be sent out, letting everyone know to keep a look out for their backer survey.


For some really fun news, we would like to share some details and sneak peaks of our planned accessories with our early supporters. We have been working on some really exciting accessories behind the scenes. The design team has been working on these tirelessly and they are now far enough along we can showoff the renders. We are confident RomRod will be the most versatile portable fitness device for everything Stretching, Mobility, Recovery, Core, and Strength.

Massage Stick Handles:

Myofascial Release Platform:

Massage Ball:

Ab Wheel:

Rubber End Caps:

After reading this email, I hope y'all are as excited as we are!

We will be in touch again, early next week with another update with the survey to follow!


Shane and Haley

Post Campaign Update
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 03:18:29 AM

Hey everyone! Hope y'all are doing well. It's been about one week since we ended our Kickstarter campaign and the buzz still hasn't faded.

Production Status:

Thank you for holding in there and being patient as we wait for the update from our production team. Great news: the first 1,000 devices are complete and passed quality control check. Also, the second production order is underway. Yay for both of those! 

We received three samples the last week and have tested ourselves. Absolutely excited to share this awesome device with all of our supporters. It's going to be a stretching and mobility game changer.

Post Campaign Survey:

We are currently working on the post campaign survey that was mentioned in the last update. This will be coming your way when we have ironed out the details for delivery. And, we believe we have found a great solution.  Negotiating the best shipping rates for our supports is a big priority. 

Shipping Status:

Things are on target and we should another update very soon.

Product Updates:

On more exciting news, we have started working on some really sweet products that will compliment RomRod to not just improve your stretching and mobility, but your strength, core, and recovery. More detials coming soon!

We will keep everyone updated as we receive more information and we hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Shane and Haley

Cheers to the Beginning!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 12:26:02 AM

First of all, we want to extend a HUGE thank you to each of you who supported RomRod in making our idea a reality! We are so thankful for your support.

You will be receiving a post campaign email shortly. In this email you will find a brief survey along with a place to provide your shipping information. 

Cheers to the Beginning of Respecting the Warmup!

Shane and Haley

RomRod Update
about 3 years ago – Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 06:24:48 PM

We are blown away!

Fully funded in 42 hours.
How awesome is that?!

First of all, we want to say a big THANK YOU to all of the awesome supporters like yourself. You came, you pledged, and together we have had an unbelievable start!

This is just the beginning. We still have 26 more days to go. There is still time for your friends, family, co-workers, brother's friend, etc to get in on the discounted pricing. Don't forget to mention or share us with the people that you know will benefit from RomRod also.

We are blessed to be helping so many people work towards having better mobility. 
Feel better, move better. Move better, live better.

Let's keep this going!

All the thanks and love,

Shane and Haley